Catalog structure#

The STAC model allows to define static hierarchical relationships within a catalog. Collections can be logically grouped into a catalog, which can be part of parent catalog and may have sub-catalogs.

The PDSSP STAC static catalog structure, and where the source collections lay within that structure, can be defined as a Registry YAML file hosted on a GiHub repository (see PDSSP Registry).


Inventory of PDSSP Data Collections (Google Sheet).

Options considered for the catalog structure:

  • Flat structure

  • By target body only

    • Provides an overview of the metacatalog content, although this could be provided by a “target body” dynamic classification collection.

      • However, this dynamic collection by target references data products, not collection.

        • Both could be complementary

      • A collection can be primarily related to a target body, but a fraction of the data products within that collection might relate to other target bodies. For example, the OMEGA EDR collection mainly relates to Mars but also contain data about Phobos.

  • By target body and data provider

    • This might be interesting for data providers (PDSSP labs) to quickly locate “their” data.

    • Alternatively, “data provider” could be use within the dynamic classification.

For example:

  • PDSSP catalog

    • Mars catalog

      • PDS ODE Mars Data Products

        • MEX OMEGA EDR collection

        • MRO HIRISE EDR collection

        • MRO HIRISE RDRV11 collection

      • IAS/IDOC MEX OMEGA DDR collection (OMEGA_C_channel_Proj)

      • IAS/IDOC Mars Mineralogical Maps collection

      • IAS/IDOC Mars Features Catalog

        • Hydrated mineral sites

        • Central peaks hydrated phases between isidis and hellas

        • Seasonal South polar cap limits

      • IAS/IDOC MOCCAS Catalog

      • FU/Berlin Mars

        • HRSC hrsc3nd collection

        • ..

    • Titan catalog

      • VIM

    • Moon

STAC Metadata#

STAC collection/item metadata


Inventory of PDSSP Data Models (Google Sheet).